Richard works for the city, handling permits. It's a good, stable job, but when he gets home, he is tired from all of the people he couldn't help, or from the people yelling at him about it.
He loved his wife Ellie, adores his daughter, but isn't able to do more for them than he is already doing, and Ellie is such a good mother anyway. He does help Marge with her homework, but her issues and her friends just overwhelm him.
How is it that he now has some nude teenage girls in his house sometimes? Why is Ellie going nude at a pool with his daughter?
He trusts her, that's all that matters.
How did they become a naturist or what is their relation to naturism?
Richard doesn't understand naturism. Suddenly, he began hearing about it from his daughter, but his wife was on top of it.
Then, she began having friends over, two of which were nude, and one was topless, but his wife didn't want Marge to be nude, even if she was at those girl's houses? This is way over his head, and he trusts his wife.
When his wife starts going to whatever a non-landed club is, however, he starts to wonder what the fuss is all about, but is wife tells him not to worry?
Well, maybe he should go and judge for himself, even if it means being nude with his daughter.