The main character and narrator of My life so far. It is her past that present day Julie is exploring through the story.

The first 43 chapters were written in 2022, when Julie was 19, and chapters from #44 were written when she was 22, in 2025.

In story, the writing was interrupted by a relationship which approved of naturism, but not of the autobiography.

Julie is very introverted and starts with a lot of anger toward her parents, even before episode 1. She doesn't understand why she cut short the relationship until episode 18, but has begun working on being a better daughter early on.

Easy to get along with, Julie doesn't open up easily, but will follow people. She is obsessed with cool people, as she sees herself as the epitome of being uncool.

A serious student in school, she found elementary school simple enough, but not mentioned yet in the story is that she is starting to fall behind and struggle with some tasks.

Julie, at age 12, is an honest person, but when writing her autobiography, she presents her past self as being a little cooler than she is, a little more secure, and well, skips over blunders. Oops... Still, she admits being unreliable and isn't that far from her actual life.

Born in December, she is a little less than 3 months younger than Mindy, but she is a grade later in school.

How did they become a naturist or what is their relation to naturism?

Was raised as a naturist outside of a resort for 4 years, with Mindy as her best friend growing up.

But then, when Mindy had trouble adapting to wearing clothes in Kindergarten, Julie's parents panicked and forced the family into being textiles.

They tried to make a few openings, but Julie didn't notice them, and as she points out, was never told that social nudity was ok.

She falls in love with Naturism, not realizing that being introverted, it helps her connect with others on a more honest level.